965 72 00 01 - Calle 19 de Abril, 34 - 03193 San Miguel de Salinas info@sanmigueldesalinas.es
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On November 25, International Day against Gender Violence, the Commonwealth has launched various actions aimed at raising awareness and preventing gender violence, with special emphasis on how this phenomenon affects the youngest and providing tools to both Young people and their families to detect, identify and act immediately upon any expression or sign of abuse or mistreatment.
18% of young people between 12 and 18 years old have been victims of a control situation and 6% have suffered sexual cyber-violence. Faced with this reality, the central campaign of the Commonwealth for this year, under the motto «Choose to end gender violence», focuses on how social networks and new technologies are one of the most important ways in the exercise of control by Of the couple or ex-couple.
At the same time, in order to enable young people to identify and act in the face of any maltreatment that may occur in their environment or directly affect them, training workshops are being held for the third consecutive year in HEIs, under the format Of the trainee student where they are the students of 1º of BAT, those that form like mediators and are the ones in charge of imparting the preventive workshops to his companions of 3º and 4º of the ESO. It is an innovative and very experiential format, that gives all the protagonism to the young people and that has had a very good reception in the centers. This year, it includes a specific workshop on harassment in the networks for the students of 4th of ESO and for those of 3rd of ESO, the basic workshop will be held.
To complete the preventive action, training workshops for parents have been organized for the next week, in each municipality, in which the issue will be addressed. Can your daughter be suffering gender violence? How to know it and how to act from the family. In San Miguel will be on Tuesday, December 29 at 7 pm in Social Services
Likewise, an important action will be taken to raise awareness in both the social networks of the Commonwealth and the municipalities, such as:

  • Campaign ONU WOMAN «Paint your world of orange». For 16 days, from 25 November to 9 December and in support of the UN campaign, we will light our main orange buildings.
  • Reading of manifesto and concentration in the Town halls for the 25 of November.
  • Exhibition Finalist posters Be Brave Festival 2015. Finalist works will be exhibited in the category of image in the HEIs, Municipalities and Libraries of the municipalities. Until 9 December.
  • Commemorative banners on December 25th on the façades of the town councils.
  • Campaign «Choose to end gender violence». Distribution of 2000 bracelets for the youth of the HEI and people of the municipality, on November 25 with the motto of the campaign. Placing of posters and MUPIS in the municipalities. Applications for web and social networks.

    As regards care for victims of violence, the community has several resources: legal assistance service to the citizen, support groups to emotionally vulnerable women and municipal social services that have a social worker and a psychologist .
    For the President of the La Vega Commonwealth, Emilio Fernández, «the Commonwealth has always stood out in the attention and prevention of gender violence, especially in the youngest. It has been and is a priority for us, since the fight against this scourge is an issue that belongs to us all »
    All the information about the commonwealth can be found on its website: www.mancomunidadlavega.es

