Mar 21, 2017 | Festivities News, News, Tourism

All the bars and restaurants that are interested in participating in the II Half-Year Festero Route, scheduled for the weekend of March 25 and 26, are to be informed, should contact the Councilor for Fiestas, Noelia Torres in the Town hall or on the telephone 646 25 00 87.
Deadline for registration until March 10, to allow time for the elaboration of advertising.
Mar 20, 2017 | Featured, News, Tourism

The Department of Tourism announces the publication of grants to associations in the province of Alicante for tourist promotion of local festivals on the Costa Blanca.
Aimed at: Associations, Non-profit Entities and Entities of public law of the province of Alicante non-profit.
Purpose: The present rules regulate the procedure under ordinary competitive tender for the concession during 2017 of subsidies to assist in the financing of expenses derived in «Tourism promotion of local festivals of the Coast Blanca «, run by associations and non-profit entities in the province of Alicante.
The maximum amount that can correspond to each requesting Entity is established in 80% of the submitted budget and a maximum of 6,000.00 €.
The deadline for submitting applications will be 30 calendar days from the day after the publication.
Link to the publication of B.O.P. from Alicante: