965 72 00 01 - Calle 19 de Abril, 34 - 03193 San Miguel de Salinas info@sanmigueldesalinas.es
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In this edition an extensive program of activities has been drawn up between the Department of Social Services and La Vega Mancomunidad, which has had the collaboration of Afammer and the equality area of ​​the Provincial Council. Thus, the program includes actions to raise awareness and co-education, training unemployed, recreational and leisure, health workshops, talks, intercultural workshops, …

The central campaign March 8 of the Commonwealth of this year is called «As many as we are and so much for …», this campaign wants to raise awareness about the fact that women are 51% of the population but continue to give inequality In all areas that always fall on the side of women. Women continue to struggle, claim, change, improve … to achieve a more equitable society.

As in previous years, and already eleven years, it will be held from February 16 to March 14 and for all primary school students the education workshops in equality and coeducation, a socio-educational space for the learning of Positive and egalitarian values ​​that are the basis for them to grow and relate from respect and non-violence. For these students, a coeducational theater show «The Secret Life of Moms» is scheduled for March 3 on the role of women in the family and in the home.

Emotional support groups that will address strategies for improving self-esteem, social skills, mood, and / or any other emotional difficulty that they may have will be conducted to improve emotional and physical health. Supervised by a psychologist and began on March 7 until May 16. . In parallel, there is a pilates workshop, every Monday and Wednesday from 20.30 to 21.30 hours, zumba workshop, Tuesday and Thursday from 21 to 22 hours and yoga workshop, every Monday from 19 to 20.30 Hours (in this workshop there are 7 free sessions). All workshops are held in the Social Center.

For the integration of immigrant women, we will continue with the «world in your kitchen» meeting groups that will be holding the «Sweets, Women and Tradition» workshop, starting on Monday, February 27 and continuing every Monday throughout the month of March.

This year, we will organize the Women’s Dinner again, on March 8th at the Mesón el Prado. On March 9, Infodona’s technique offers the talk «La Mujer, the media and advertising, at 3.30 pm in Social Services.

On the other hand, Afammer, has organized a training course for unemployed, on «Socio-sanitary care for people at home» in which 20 women from our municipality have registered. It will be from February 28 to March 31.

The La Vega community also offers other programs throughout the year that are aimed primarily at women, such as the Areola Solidarity Program, aimed at the reconstruction of the areola of women who have undergone the removal and reconstruction of their breasts To cancer and the Legal Service, which although addressed to all citizens, the data tell us that it is women who perform 80% of consultations. It is a free service that caters for any demand for legal advice: gender violence, separations, inheritance, housing, ..

All the information on the activities is available on the website of the community www.mancomunidadlavega.es and in the Town Hall www.sanmigueldesalinas.es

Díptico Actividades 8 de marzo San Miguel de Salinas