965 72 00 01 - Calle 19 de Abril, 34 - 03193 San Miguel de Salinas info@sanmigueldesalinas.es
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La Policía Local intensifica los controles para comprobar que el movimiento de personas sean solo por los motivos permitidos en el decreto del Estado de Alarma

⚠️ Informamos de que la Policía Local San Miguel de Salinas está intensificando los controles para comprobar que las personas que circulan por la vía pública lo hacen por los motivos permitidos durante el #estadodealarma.

⚠️ We inform that the San Miguel de Salinas Local Police is intensifying the controls to verify that the people who circulate on the public road do so for the reasons allowed during the #statedelarm.

Como tratar los residuos con Covid-19

 Consorcio Vega Baja Sostenible nos explica CÓMO TRATAR RESIDUOS CON COVID-19 EN CASA.


To handle waste at home
1️⃣ Wear gloves to handle the patient’s waste that must be deposited together with the caregiver’s in a separate bag (bag 1). This bag should remain in the patient’s room until it is taken to the container.

To deposit the waste in the container
2️⃣All waste from the room (bag 1) is poured into another separate bag (bag 2) with the gloves and is closed properly.

3️⃣Bag 2 is removed from the room and placed in the household waste bag (bag 3) which is deposited in the gray MSW container. It is prohibited to dump this waste in the selective collection containers (blue, yellow and green).

#QuedateEnCasa #StayAtHome